How much does 75if cost?

75if is the single best investment you can make to have better relationships.

We also offer a free plan, that comes with 10 contacts but some features are restricted.

Common questions

How do I cancel my subscription?

You can cancel anytime you want. To do that, simply go to your settings, under subscriptions, and cancel your account. That’s it. You'll continue to have full access to 75if until the end of your trial or current billing period. After cancellation, you'll retain access to your account until the next time you're ready to use 75if.

Are there any long-term commitments or cancellation fees?

There are no hidden fees, ever. There are also no commitments whatsoever. You are free to leave whenever you want. You can upgrade, downgrade, cancel and delete your account when you want. There are no cancellation fees.

Is my data safe?

We do our best to make the most secure software. 75if is open source, and the source code is scrutinized by thousands of eyes. That being said, nothing is ever safe when it’s online. This is why we offer you the possibility to install 75if on your server, for free.


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